Monday, October 26, 2015

The Living Desert Giraffes

The Living Desert had a new addition to the giraffe community.  A baby giraffe was born in July.  Here are pictures of the mom and baby.

Aren't they cute together.

The baby never left the mother's side.

So cute.

Caring for her baby.

This is a close up of the mother.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Living Desert

Here are more pictures of Cheetahs.  

Looking around.

Still looking.


Getting ready for a nap

Friday, October 23, 2015

Living Desert

This blog will feature some of my photographs that I shoot in America.

The following photographs were shot at the Living Desert near Palm Springs, California

This is a Cheetah

This is a Jaguar

This is a Leopard

Here we have a Mountain Lion.  He wanted me for lunch.